First Things First!
and ....
The Waterville Sports Boosters would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their generous financial support of the
Boys' Varsity Basketball Team's Charter Bus to Glens Falls.
Waterville Central School District
Waterville Central School District Foundation
Brothertown Optimist Club
Waterville Rotary Club
Linda Ford - Ford Family Trust
Collins Knoll Farm
David, Jennifer, Ellie & Natalie Collins
Natalie Collins ( for JT's seat)
Philippa Brown - the HuddleBlogger
Williams Fence of CNY
NP Environmental
Barker Brook Golf Course
The Slaughtered Lamb Pub
Morgan's Hardware
Main Street Liquors
Tom Eisenhut - Waterville Car Wash
Kelli, Kaitlyn, Mathew & Matt StPeter
Mr. Stan Domash
Farm Credit East
Frigault Agency
Boys' Varsity Basketball Team's Charter Bus to Glens Falls.
Waterville Central School District
Waterville Central School District Foundation
Brothertown Optimist Club
Waterville Rotary Club
Linda Ford - Ford Family Trust
Collins Knoll Farm
David, Jennifer, Ellie & Natalie Collins
Natalie Collins ( for JT's seat)
Philippa Brown - the HuddleBlogger
Williams Fence of CNY
NP Environmental
Barker Brook Golf Course
The Slaughtered Lamb Pub
Morgan's Hardware
Main Street Liquors
Tom Eisenhut - Waterville Car Wash
Kelli, Kaitlyn, Mathew & Matt StPeter
Mr. Stan Domash
Farm Credit East
Frigault Agency
Basketball T-shirt Sales
and also ........
Thank You to Mario's Pizzeria & Nickelback Redemption
Thank You to Mario's Pizzeria & Nickelback Redemption
for sponsoring the team lunch on Thursday
plus ....
... a Special Thank You
... a Special Thank You
to the entire community for your year round support of
all WCS Athletics!!!
About the Weather ..................
This has gone on long enough!!
Eight years ago this week the Victorian Street Lamps were turned on for the first time.
Note: No Snow!
Seven years ago.
Three years ago!
Snowmobilers may be sad to see it go .....
This is the "fisherman's bench" on the Oriskany - still half buried!
Canada Geese are returning, but these - lined up waiting for ice to melt on the pond at the foot of Grant Hill - may be wondering "Why"!
There have, however, been sightings of Robins, Red-winged Blackbirds and Great Blue Heron.
Down in Whiskey Hollow, Daffodil Sprouts were first found three or four days ago ....
ONLY fine weather outdoor and gardening tools!
Things are looking up!
at Waterville Central School
.... but it'll be a busy week at the
Waterville Public Library!
"Drop-in Crafts" for Kids
on Monday and Wednesday
on Monday and Wednesday
and MOVIES on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
(The Library will be closed on Good Friday.)
MONDAY At 1:00
TUESDAY at 4:00
THURSDAY at 4:00
............ plus you regular favorites,
"Knit 2gether" on Tuesday at 7:00 ....
and "Lego Club" on Wednesday at 3:00.
Also this week ........
The Annual Good Friday "Cross Walk"
starting at the United Methodist Church on Tower Street
at 10:00 a.m.
and ending at St. Bernard's Catholic Church.
On Friday: 4:30 - 7:30
at the Clifford J. Fulmer Post
American Legion
on Route 20 east of Sangerfield.
"Easter Egg Hunt"
Starts promptly at noon on Saturday
at Harding Nursing Home!
Starts promptly at noon on Saturday
at Harding Nursing Home!
Please check back later (on Monday afternoon) for April Calendars and Special Events!
Enjoy the Sunshine!