Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mid-week Update

It's minus-8 degrees in the Hollow at 5:00 a.m.

This "cold snap" has lasted so long that ice has completely hidden the little waterfall next to Gridley-Paige Road and the Caves in Forge Hollow.

A snow drift nearly covers the stone wall at the top of Grant Hill.

Looking down "Livingston Hill" (now Putnam Street) I'm reminded of a story that the late Alice Altmeier told me years ago:

She said that the snow on village roads was packed down using horse-drawn rollers and that one of the childrens' favorite treats was to pull a long, heavy sled called a "double rip" to the top of Livingston Hill, line up four, five or six youngsters on the long plank suspended over two sets of runners (the front set was steerable) and ride down the hill right onto Main Street and - on a good day - make the turn onto Buell Avenue and down that curvy hill as far as the old foundry! 

Oh, what a grand ride that would have been!


It's too cold for sliding this morning!

The TWCNY Weather Forecast:

"Chilly but Not As Cold, Snow Showers and Periods of Snow Today.

We wake up to cold again with most areas starting below zero. We make our way to the 20s today with increasing clouds and snow showers. We will have steadier bursts of snow later this afternoon and evening which will give us a few quick inches and make for slower travel later. Otherwise snow showers continue tonight with cold temperatures again overnight.

Thursday brings the cold back with snow showers and highs only in the single digits. We will have dangerous and cold wind chills back for the end of the work week with lake snow showers.

Looking ahead to the weekend we should be better with temperatures in the mid and upper 20s and a new system on Sunday that will bring more snow."


- In Memoriam - 

1928 - 2015



The Lady Indians' Basketball Season came to an end, last night, with a 64 - 41 loss to Tully.


- the Utica Observer-Dispatch.


Front Page Headlines from

"19 and Oh Yeah!"
"Spending Freeze Implemented"
"Accident Injures One"
"Playoffs Start Tuesday"

To read more, please click HERE.


Jeff Reynolds sent me this photograph of the Library Garden a few days ago, remarking that it was so cold that ithe snow"squeaked!" 

But it's always warm and cozy INSIDE the Library!

To find out what's going on, there, check out the events calendar by clicking HERE.


Every Saturday in February from 11-1pm

Stop in anytime between 11-1pm and get free help filing your taxes.


Blogger's note:

My computer is located directly above the "root cellar" of this old house and although it's supposed to be cold down there the super-chill has now reached my feet.   
I've sat here long enough!

More when it warms up!