Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday Morning FYI

The fire was at the farm owned by Peter and Donna Green, on Green Road.  Pete was not at home when the fire was discovered, but thanks to a State Trooper who was nearby and the driver of a milk truck they helped Donna get the cattle out of the barn.  Only one cow was lost.  Photographer Brian Staring was on the scene early in the day and then, again, later on when other farmers showed up with trucks and trailers to take the rest of the cows to two local farms where they will be housed for the time being.

Brian wrote on his Facebook page, "Farmers are like one big family when help is seriously needed."


Meanwhile, from aloft, these two pictures were taken by 
Werner Goedecker.  (Click to enlarge.)


- In Memoriam - 

Daurice M. Rostiser


1937 - 2015


1949 - 2015



 There are handsome new Banners on the Victorian lamp posts throughout the business district in Waterville.

And over in Deansboro ....



Several New Announcements!





You know what the Barton-Brown Observatory looks like during the daytime   ..........

.......... but have you ever seen what often happens to it on clear nights?

 With just a touch of a button the roof slides open!

Library Director Jeff Reynolds, who is also a member of the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society (MVAS) checked it out, yesterday, to make sure that everything will be ready for

hosted by the MVAS
with a special laser-guided tour of the sky starting at 9:30.


At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning it's 38 degrees 
and super-sunny!

Here's the Weather forecast for the rest of the week from TWCNY:

"Bright and Pleasant! Quiet Through Thursday.
With high pressure in control we have a great mid week forecast on tap. We'll manage to get in on plenty of sun and temperatures will be seasonable with highs in the upper 50s/near 60 degrees.
Dry weather will hang on for Thursday with sun and a few PM clouds. Overall, it's shaping up to be another nice one and a bit warmer with highs in the upper 60s. A weak disturbance is expected to work in by Friday which will return a couple of showers to the forecast but temperatures look to stay on the mild side (highs in the mid 60s).
With a cold front swinging through this weekend, we should see temperatures drop from the mid 60s on Saturday to the upper 50s Sunday."


Flowers are blooming in gardens and in woodlands.
For those who are so inclined,  Wild Leeks are just about ready for digging and cooking!  Plenty of recipes HERE.


It's Really SPRING!

Enjoy it All!